- Super Nutritious and Healthy
- 3x more protein than steak
- 2x more protein than chicken
- Gluten free
- Slows aging
- Healthy brain and heart
- Stabalizes blood sugar levels
- Rich in iron and Calcium
- Good source of B12
- Essential amino acids
- Awesome for Weight management and Builidng Muscle
- Great for improved muscle mass
- Mild and nutty taste
- Great for the Environment
- 6x less feeding required than a cow
- Produce 80x less methane than cows
- Requires 1 gallon of water for 1 pound of protein
- 2500 gallons of water for 1 pound of beef protein
- 20x more efficient as a source of protein than a cow
- Only amenities needed are fibreglass troughs
- Don’t need costly fencing